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Italian press


Talking about Ryanair social strategy for Italy

Interview for Piano Social to explain Ryanair's social approach specifically for the Italian market.

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Talk show

TikTok video on Propaganda Live

Ryanair plane mirrors an Italian NPC streamer. The video is featured in the Top Social of the week.


News Media

Football joke on Corriere della Sera

Joking on Roma coach being fired, the content was featured on the biggest news media in Italy.

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Sport Media

Formula 1 joke on Gazzetta dello Sport

Joking on a Formula 1 driver and his desire to visit Lourdes, the fake boarding pass was featured on the biggest Italin sport media.

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Joint Advertising

Promoting Turin as tourist destination

Our project to promote international tourism in Turin was featured on Ansa, biggest Italian news agency.

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National TV news

TikTok video shoutout during evening news

Fake promo ad with Napoli footballer. The video aired on National Channel 1 - Rai 1 (4,5M audience)


News Media

Gossip meme on La Repubblica

Roasting a famous Italian journalist and his weird stories, the meme was featured on the second biggest Italian news media.


Sport Media

Football joke on Corriere dello Sport

Roasting Juventus being kicked out of the Champions League, the viral meme was featured on the biggest Italian sport media.

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International press

My work in the press

News Media

Ryanair's social strategy on The Washington Post

Deep dive into Ryanair's disruptive TOV and self deprecating social approach.

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Business Media

Top 3 Forbes' inspiring brands

Ryanair mentioned at n.3 in Forbes' list of most unconventional brands.

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Business Media

Ryanair's strategy explained bt Socialinsider

Breaking down Ryanair's social strategy with detailed  and thorough explanation.

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National TV

Ryanair shoutout during Jimmy Fallon

Ryanair receives a live TV shoutout during Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show.

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